Friday, November 7, 2008

Experiment 3 - Unreal Tournament 3

Experiment 3

I worked on the particles aspect, allan hughes provided us with matinee and joanne vella researched kismet. Our concept was to adapt the game of jenga to a virtual first person game environonment. Our buildings structure was cut up into 8 pieces that constantly moved in and out of its original shape, replicating the principle feature of jenga to remove pieces of a structure. With this we also incoorporated a game to race to a goal. The players start from the very top and work there way down through moving levels, platforms, crevices and obstacles to eventually beat their competitors to a marker point. We tried to illustrate jengas use of moving pieces as obstacles to a race or game. The pieces of the building block entrances, pathways and as a player you must navigate through the structure by timing their jumps down, whilst you try not to accumulate damage from the pieces crushing you.

Our game accentuates concepts such as timing and speed to create a mental and physically skillful game. From jenga, our game adapts the ideas of time constraint and mirrors the use of a tower being constructed. But in our case we've further manipulated this concept to illustrate that the destruction or decomposition of a building can in fact be used to create a moving obstacle in a race.









Finish goal marker is what players aim to reach first.

Moving obstacles and interactive elements of the game can push, trap and hinder your movements, damaging your health and forcing you to start again.

Internal Building Passages. Stationary and moving levels are enclosed in a buildings skelton to provide a path down to a goal marker.

Buildings internal platforms and levels.

Introductory lift sequence, give players a glipse of the structures internal obstacles.

Crater entrances exploded at the top show the pathway downwards.

Buildings original form when stationary

Form of building when motion is applied. Similar to that of a Jenga game.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Experiment 2 - Volume & Porosity

In experiment 2 I sought to identify the same concepts explored in experiement 1. The idea that a detonation or single explosive can set off a series of explosions. The influence of previous explosions affect the next, creating a chain reaction of explosions in porosity. I wanted to illustrate in the cactus model how this type of explosive movement would react inside a building like the cactus model. Experiment X and Y discuss two varying elements of "a series of explosions" but have a singular concept in that in a controlled environment an initiated explosion sets to create further developed blast that are interconnected to each other. The setting or space commands and directs the movement of explosions.

X% Experiment

X% Experiment: This was my concept that I tried to illustrate into the Cactus Model. A series of explosions that connected in a way that moved vertically through the building. The explosion gains momentum and carries through the building like a chain reaction.

Y% Experiment

Y% Experiment: A central or main explosion rippling to areas of the building, to where it can release itself from the structure. Most significant explosions are situated furthest away from the starting explosion ie. at the apex and footings of the Cactus model.

Experiment 2 - 3dsMax Models

Y% 3dsMax Model

X% 3dsMax Model

3dsMax Cactus Model

Experiment 2 - Solidworks Models

Y% Solidworks Model

X% Solidworks Model

Solidworks Cactus Model

Experiment 2 - Videos

X% Experiment - Pan Animation

Y% Experiment - Rotate Animation

Cactus Model - Zoom Animation

Experiment 2 - Solidworks Volume Calculations

Y% Volume Explosion

Y% = 28% = 28702.28 cubic meters retained

X% Volume Explosion

53% = 54329.32 cubic meters retained

Cactus Model Mass Properties

Total Volume: 102508.15 cubic meters
X% = 53% = 54329.32 cubic meters
Y% = 28% = 28702.28 cubic meters

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Experiment 2 - SolidWorks Tutorials

Revolves & Sweep Tutorial
This tutorial oulined how to create a mass by first sketching a profile, then using revolve and sweep around a centrline axis to complete the model. This function is similar to Solid Sweep and Solid Revolve in Revit in creating solid forms.

Parts Tutorial
This tutorial coverd the basics and use of the SolidWorks interface. Sketching with lines, extruding, cutting and dimensioning are some of the elements used to create this model. I found that unlike some other design programs, you have to dimension a line to accurately assign it its size.

Loft Tutorial
Planes are used in this tutorial and it seems a vital feature in SoildWorks in creating any object. Creating a solid by connecting the profiles is what defines lofting in this case. An interesting technique to bend the hammer end was produced by adding a flex feature.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Experiment 1 - The Physical Effect of an Explosion on Porosity

In this experiment, I conducted a series of explosions to illustrate how one single detonation can in turn create a chain reaction of explosions and demolition. I found that the placement of objects was vital in how the course of destruction took place. I used small objects as well as larger masses to demonstrate how an explosion would affect them both.

Experiment 1 - Compiled Machinima Video

The intersection between Explosion and Porosity is illustrated in these videos with a common concept of explosive movement. Either during an explosive state or post detonation. One explosive influences other points therfore affecting the objects around them. The setting or placement of these explosives is also seen to be of importance. It can be underwater, on a vertical axis or confined with boundaries. these all affect how the explosion thrives and how the demolition of objects occur.


Crysis - Crysplosions, 2008, YouTube LLC, posted by psychodantis, accessed 18 August 2008,

crysis explosion 2, 2007, YouTube LLC, posted by mauu84, accessed 18 August 2008,

Explosion, 2008, YouTube LLC, posted by Tomeis93, accessed 18 August 2008,

Machinima, 2007, YouTube LLC, posted by flagstall, accessed 18 August 2008,

Track Title:
Hard-Fi - Cash Machine

Week 2 - Sony Vegas

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Week 1 - GMod Machinima Video

This video was composed using Gmod, Fraps and Adobe Premier. It illustrates the similar concepts of movement in an explosion.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


This short clip is an example of Machinima found from I chose this particular video of an explosion because of I liked the concept of movement in an explosive state. The video cleary illustrates a chain reaction of explosions once an initial detonation is applied. The creator used the structured environment to meticuluosly setup a series of explosions much like dominos falling. He also would have had to calculate each barrels blast in order to react to its next barrel, demonstrating planning strategies and trial and error concepts.