This tutorial oulined how to create a mass by first sketching a profile, then using revolve and sweep around a centrline axis to complete the model. This function is similar to Solid Sweep and Solid Revolve in Revit in creating solid forms.

Parts Tutorial
This tutorial coverd the basics and use of the SolidWorks interface. Sketching with lines, extruding, cutting and dimensioning are some of the elements used to create this model. I found that unlike some other design programs, you have to dimension a line to accurately assign it its size.

Planes are used in this tutorial and it seems a vital feature in SoildWorks in creating any object. Creating a solid by connecting the profiles is what defines lofting in this case. An interesting technique to bend the hammer end was produced by adding a flex feature.
1 comment:
I was wondering if anyone could help me find some cad software that would be ideal for structural engineering type of things where u plug in numbers and it will tell u the measurements of the metal and etc.,,. i have goggled it a zillion times and there are so many types of cad software i really don't know what to pic...........thanks its for an aerospace contract i believe. also by aerospace contract i just mean that i have to build parts, and etc.
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